Practice Areas

Providing quality legal representation throughout Greater New York.

Dental Practice Transitions

Are you a dentist looking to expand your practice or transition into retirement? We specialize in dental practice acquisitions, guiding both buyers and sellers through every step of the process. We understand the unique legal and financial considerations involved in acquiring or selling a dental practice. Whether you are navigating the complexities of valuation, negotiating terms or ensuring a smooth transition for your patients and staff, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive legal support tailored to your specific needs. Trust Andrieux Law to facilitate seamless and successful acquisitions, allowing you to focus on the next chapter of your professional career.

Compliance & Operational Issues

Ensuring legal compliance and addressing operational issues are crucial components of effectively managing a dental practice. Being mindful of patient confidentiality in accordance with HIPAA regulations, understanding employment laws, and overseeing contracts are all vital aspects of regulatory compliance in practice management. Additionally, tackling operational hurdles like maintaining accurate documentation, efficient financial management, and thorough staff training plays a significant role in the seamless operation of a practice. By proactively managing these areas, dental professionals can minimize risks, improve efficiency and enhance productivity, allowing them to focus on delivering quality patient care. Andrieux Law specializes in assisting dental practitioners in these areas, with the primary goal of furthering the success of their practice.

Commercial Real Estate

Real estate law encompasses a wide array of legal issues pertaining to real property. From residential transactions to commercial acquisitions, understanding the web of laws and regulations involved can be a daunting task for individuals and businesses alike. Whether it’s drafting and negotiating purchase agreements, conducting due diligence or ensuring compliance with local regulations, we leverage our expertise to deliver efficient, strategic and results-driven legal representation, ensuring that every transaction is executed smoothly while mitigating any potential legal pitfalls.

Commercial Leasing

Commercial leasing involves the rental of property for business purposes such as office spaces, retail stores, warehouses and industrial facilities. This type of leasing typically involves more complex agreements than residential leases due to factors such as longer lease terms, specific permitted uses, build-out requirements and maintenance responsibilities. Understanding the nuances of commercial leasing agreements is crucial for both landlords and tenants to ensure a mutually beneficial and legally sound relationship. At Andrieux Law, we navigate the intricacies of commercial leasing to protect our clients' best interests while facilitating successful and sustainable leasing arrangements.


Contract law is the foundation of business and personal interactions, governing the agreements and obligations between parties. It encompasses the formation, preparation, interpretation and enforcement of contracts, providing the framework for fair and efficient transactions. From negotiating terms to resolving disputes, understanding contract law is essential for individuals and businesses seeking to protect their rights and interests. Whether it's drafting a simple agreement or navigating a complex commercial deal, comprehensive knowledge of contract law is critical to ensuring legal compliance and safeguarding relationships.


A will, also known as a testament, is a legal document essential for detailing how one's assets will be distributed following their death. By clearly outlining beneficiaries and their respective inheritance, a will ensures that the wishes of the deceased are carried out. Moreover, a will enables the appointment of an executor to manage the distribution of your assets, and if you own your dental practice at the time of your passing, a will can permit your estate a certain amount of time to oversee its sale. Crafting a will is vital for effective estate planning, safeguarding personal intentions, and preventing family disputes. Engaging the services of a knowledgeable attorney is advisable to create a will that complies with state regulations and accurately represents your desires.

Business Formation

Choosing the right structure for your business is crucial for its success and longevity. Whether you're considering a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or limited liability company (LLC), we provide expert and tailored legal advice to ensure you make informed decisions. From registering your business to drafting essential legal documents, we are committed to helping you establish a robust legal foundation for your enterprise. Count on us to support and guide you through the maze of business structures and empower you to build and expand your business with confidence and peace of mind.

Trademark Registration

Trademarks are essential tools businesses use to protect their brand identity. By registering unique names, logos, symbols or slogans, companies safeguard their distinctiveness and prevent others from unlawfully profiting from their reputation and goodwill. This protection ensures that your customers can easily identify and differentiate your products or services from others in the market and provides legal recourse against potential infringement. Don't leave your brand vulnerable—secure exclusive rights to your intellectual property and enhance your defenses against unauthorized usage.